Getting people with disabilities, illnesses or restricted mobility to their destinations safely and comfortably is one of the core competencies of the Johanniter aid organization. The Johanniter local committee Bremen also offers a wide range of transport services - from school buses to ambulance and rehabilitation transports to driving services for people with physical or mental disabilities. The specially trained staff, the technical equipment of the vehicles and professional route planning are the guarantees for reliable passenger transport.
45 Johanniter (driver, administration and accompanying persons) are on duty in the transport of handicapped people in order to transport around 400 passengers a day within and around Bremen. This includes regular tours, such as trips to school or to work, as well as trips to rehab facilities, clinics, dormitories or facilities for the disabled that have to be planned every day. Vans with wheelchair-accessible equipment, rails or lifts are available for passenger transport. The Johannitern Bremen collect an impressive 80,000 kilometers a month. This needs to be planned precisely so that passengers are not only transported on time, but also efficiently. For this reason, the Johanniter Bremen rely on the gts tour planning software for passenger transport.
“With TransIT we were able to minimize the workload. The software offers both dispatchers and drivers great time savings and makes daily work easier” explains Claus Hartmann, Group Leader Driving Service at Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e. V. local committee Bremen. The dispatchers use TransIT for the pre-planning and optimization of tours. In addition, the software supports the weekly rough planning and daily updates. The interface integration to the TomTom telematics system via navigation devices and smartphones at Johannitern Bremen is also running smoothly. The drivers are informed about planned tours and promptly notified of changes.
Software differentiates between "wheelchair users" and "non-wheelchair users"
One of the most important route planning criteria in the transport of the handicapped is the distinction between the parameters “wheelchair users” and “non-wheelchair users”. As one of the few software offerings, TransIT can distinguish this. That is why Claus Hartmann rates the software as the best alternative on the market. This grouping into tours “with or without a wheelchair” is also essential for scheduling management. After all, for Claus Hartmann, the focus is on efficiency, be it in data processing, billing, statistics or reporting: "TransIT is an excellent basis for calculation."
The Outcome
- The specific criteria with the transportation of disabled people can be taken into account
- Comprehensive work relief
- Less time and personnel expenditure
- Establishment of the software in company-specific interfaces and processes