Route planning, route optimisation & trade fair.

How disposal companies plan the optimal tour without reversing.

Turning is often not possible in narrow streets.

Enge Straßen, parkende Autos, Einbahnstraßen, Sackgassen … Und dann noch wenden? Mit einem Müllfahrzeug können Sie nicht mal kurz einen U-Turn machen wie mit einem Auto. Das Wenden ist in der Regel mit Rückwärtsfahren verbunden. In der Entsorgungsbranche ist dies ein „heißes“ Thema: Einerseits geht es darum, so effizient wie möglich Touren zu planen und zu optimieren. Andererseits ist es bei Rückwärtsfahrten schon zu schweren und sogar tödlichen Unfällen von Einweisern, aber auch von unbeteiligten Dritten gekommen – und die Beinah-Unfälle sind hier noch nicht mitgezählt.

Aufgrund der großen Gefahren hat sich die Frage „Umweg oder Rückwärtsfahrt?“ zu einem strittigen Punkt für die ganze Branche entwickelt. Entsorgungsunternehmen, Fahrer, Versicherungen – und nicht zuletzt die Tourenplaner – müssen sich damit auseinandersetzen und Lösungen finden. Unser Beispiel zeigt plastisch, wie groß der Umweg oft sein kann, will man das Rückwärtsfahren vermeiden.

Turn it around in 20 seconds or take a detour in 10 minutes?

In a rural residential area there is an only partially developed, narrow street. The ideal line (turning on the street) is not possible for a garbage truck due to lack of space.

A driver can cover the significantly shorter distance in around 20 seconds - but this is only possible by reversing.

The journey without turning or reversing is many times longer, so it takes more time. Ultimately, more vehicles and more staff have to be planned for the collection tour. The supposed detour to avoid reversing is the safer option.

Reversing cannot always be avoided

During the cooperation with the Frankfurter Entsorgungs- und Service GmbH FES, gts encountered numerous problems. For example, when driving bulky waste, when several vehicles drive in a row to collect different bulky items. Here reality shows that reversing cannot always be avoided. There are even disposal companies who no longer drive to narrow streets for insurance reasons because the insurance companies refuse to insure the garbage trucks there.

The dead ends cause the biggest problems. Here a vehicle has to drive out in reverse if these are too narrow or do not have a turning hammer. The alternative is that the vehicle drives backwards into the street and forwards out again. You can't expect the citizens to bring their garbage cans to the beginning of the street. Even if this is the case even in some places.

Route planning software shows the best route option

Many companies have shown that route planning software finds better route options than the planner or driver, even if they know the best abbreviations on site. The most efficient tour, taking into account all criteria, can be better planned using software than manually, especially since there are current changes and new challenges every day. The software does this faster - you can save up to an hour a day. What is ideal, however, is the interaction between on-site experience and technology.

Industry rule is unrealistic

Even if there is no reverse driving ban, the industry rule "Waste collection" goes in this direction. The German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) has published the industry rule "Waste collection" with the waste management industry and the trade unions. This is not a separate law, but summarizes the applicable law in occupational health and safety and gives companies recommendations on how to ensure the safety of employees. According to this, disposal companies should plan waste collection in such a way that accident-prone reversing is avoided. If this is not possible, there are suggestions for protective measures. This includes a safety distance of at least 0.5 meters on the long sides of the garbage truck, the limitation of the reverse distance to 150 meters, a clear view in the rearview mirror and that the guide is only allowed to be in the field of vision of the vehicle driver. There are also discussions about banning reversing completely. As sensible as the industry rule is, it is unrealistic if you look around the streets. In very few cases, you can keep a distance of 0.5 meters with a garbage truck.
Dr. Tore Grünert Team Porträt

The company tells the software how much time it is ready to plan for a turning maneuver.

Dr. Tore Grünert

Route planning software helps

For economic and time reasons, many garbage trucks drive backwards despite the industry rule. If the specifications were consistently adhered to, more kilometers would have to be driven. That means more time, more distance, more vehicles, more personnel, more environmental pollution and more costs. So what can be the solution here? For example, route planning software such as TransIT, which weighs all parameters and calculates the optimal route. The disposal company can specify how much time it would like to plan for detours or turning maneuvers. For the calculation of the collection tour, the length of the tour, time, stops etc. are specified and a corresponding tour is planned. The telematics system linked to the software transmits plans and orders directly to the vehicles.

Optimization check for waste disposal companies

With the non-binding optimisationCheck you can identify potential savings and optimization options. The free analysis by gts shows you how easily and transparently planning with TransIT works according to your specifications.
How disposal companies plan the optimal tour without reversing. - gts systems
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