
New partner WAVES: When the green clock runs along

Route planning with CO2 calculation in future: Together with the Luxembourg software developer WAVES, the Aachen-based route planning expert gts systems and consulting is starting an extensive partnership with immediate effect. This will provide the gts optimisation software TransIT with an interface to the world's first modular Sustainability Management Platform (SMP) from WAVES. With this combination, transport and forwarding companies can have the CO2 emissions of their tours and production processes precisely calculated and optimised in terms of sustainability.

With TransIT, gts already offers a software solution that can handle even the most complex tour and route planning. The software takes into account a wide range of parameters such as fleet size, loading and fuel costs, but also staff availability and traffic restrictions. The data obtained supports logistics companies in identifying potential savings, for example when it comes to the number of trucks used. For companies that want to consider climate protection aspects in addition to economic ones, the interface to WAVES offers great added value - not least in the area of "green" image building.

The carbon footprint goes from soft to hard selling point

The cloud-based Sustainability Management Platform (SMP) from WAVES calculates and analyses CO2 emissions during transport and at production sites according to the current state of the art. Future legislation and approaches discussed in the scientific community are also taken into account. Intuitive dashboards with clear graphics provide information about the results, which can be made available to external partners and customers at any time if desired.

„Mit WAVES haben wir einen Partner gewonnen, der sich intensiv mit dem Thema Nachhaltigkeit auseinandersetzt und in dieser Hinsicht großes Know-how mitbringt“, so Sascha Egener, Head of Partner Account Management bei gts. „Dank des vollautomatisierten Datenimports über unsere Schnittstelle können Kunden schon jetzt ohne großen Aufwand ihre individuellen CO2-Emissionen ermitteln lassen. Nicht nur wir merken in der Praxis: Der CO2-Fußabdruck wird immer mehr vom weichen zum harten Verkaufsargument.“

In return, WAVES benefits from the customer-specific gts algorithms - for example on distance, utilisation and capacity of transports. "For example, gts provides us with exact weight information when loading a vehicle, which in turn has an impact on the CO2 emissions of the respective transport," reports Florian Bender, Sales Manager at WAVES. "The more precise the data that feeds our system, the more accurate the results can be.

For more information on tour planning, see

Neuer Partner WAVES: Wenn die grüne Uhr mitläuft - gts systems
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