
Visit us at LogiMat 2018 in Hall 8, Booth A01

This year, in Stuttgart, we will be presenting our innovations at LogiMat, the trade fair for in-house material flow and IT control from procurement through production to delivery.

From March 13th to 15th, 2018, we will be presenting the industry-specific solution for your company with the TransIT route planning system at our partner stand A01 in Hall 8. Convince yourself of the planning modules for tactical, strategic, operative and dynamic route planning at our stand and experience how optimization potential can be optimally exploited. Be miles ahead with us.

We look forward to your visit and the opportunity to present TransIT personally.

We like to make an appointment with you.
Contact: Dirk Tost, +49 (0)241 6095950-19,

Visit us at LogiMat 2018 in Hall 8, Booth A01 - gts systems
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